How to make doctors and family believe you - you need to get video evidence of people's reactions


DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor or medical professional of any kind, and nothing here is medical advice.  

This post is about using hidden cameras to record peoples reactions to you. Laws about this vary from place to place and you MUST research and follow them at all times. Openly recording people with a phone is an alternative option to this.

Everyone reports that doctors and often family members say this condition only exists in their head. So my idea is to use hidden cameras (see the legal disclaimer at the top of this post) to get the video evidence you need to prove them wrong. If people say this is in your head because the psychological barrier to telling someone they smell bad is so high, this will force their hand. If the smell is intermittent, and that's why doctors say you don't have a problem, this should get around that. I don't actually have any experience with hidden cameras, so you will have to research this, after you research the laws concerning this.

Openly recording with a phone is another idea. If video is not an option, then audio recording should get the job done, and will be much easier to get. Again you must study and follow the laws on this, which will vary from place to place.

EDIT: When I talk about recording peoples reactions to you on video, I am talking about very clear, unambiguous comments about a bad smell made either right to your face, or in your presence. I am not talking about coughing, nose touching ect., that have other possible explanations.

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