
How to properly evaluate reactions from people - important information

DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor or medical professional of any kind, and nothing here is medical advice.  Hi, I just made a post about how I solved my problem about 20 years ago through a vegan diet. I did the diet in my senior year of high school, and when I started college the next fall, I had to go through a period of a least a few months where I had to very carefully gauge other peoples reactions, to confirm that the diet really had worked as I thought it had. I learned a lot about properly evaluating peoples reactions in regards to this issue. This post should be of interest to anyone with this condition. You have my permission to repost this anywhere you want, as long as it is unedited. I recommend copying the text of this post to a text editor on your computer, in case this vanishes from the internet for some reason. Now, the first thing I have to say is that the foundation for believing you have a TMAU like disorder MUST be based on people actually making comments about it,

How to make any restrictive diet much easier - improve the quality of the food

DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor or medical professional of any kind, and nothing here is medical advice. I made a long post about the vegan diet that solved my problem, and the topic of improving the quality of food to compensate for restrictions is in there, but I think this topic deserves a separate post. Virtually any restrictive diet, unless it is just raw vegetables/fruit, can be made dramatically more enjoyable by improving the quality of the food, to compensate for the restrictions. The examples I give will be from the vegan diet I followed, but the basic concept applies to virtually any restrictive diet you are following. The quickest and easiest way is to simply buy more high end versions of products, but what you really want is to make things from scratch. For example, a soup you make from scratch, with a long cooking time, and fresh ingredients, will be far better than some campbells soup you grab off a shelf at a store. A (from scratch) vegan soup, that skips spices and

Idea of communal living for TMAU sufferers

  DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor or medical professional of any kind, and nothing here is medical advice. A few months ago I made a long post about the diet I used to successfully eliminate this condition about 20 years ago. (see my profile for that post, and other posts I think may be helpful as well). I have been thinking a lot about options for people who are not able to cure their problem through dietary change. They may only get a partial solution that still leaves them with a significant problem, or they may require a diet too extreme to maintain it for life. The other day I believe I have come up with a real solution. The idea is that people with TMAU need to move to live near one another, or with each other. If just 10 people organized online and moved to no more than say a 30min drive from each other, you would have a real social network and would no longer be isolated. If this worked well, other people would likely be inspired to do the same thing, and soon there would be

A more general theory behind the diet I used - the idea of accumulated buildups

DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor or medical professional of any kind, and nothing here is medical advice.   A more general theory behind the diet I used - the idea of accumulated buildups: I recently made a long post (with a couple long replies adding to it) about the vegan diet I used to solve this problem for myself about 20 years ago. I wanted to make a post about the basic theory behind it that would apply to any diet to deal with this condition, beyond simply vegan ones. The basic idea is that if the body can't properly process something it can either immediately get rid of it anyway it can, through the sweat and breath, or it can allow it to build up in the system. The body only uses sweat/breath to eliminate things as a last resort. The body and brain have enough intelligence to know this will cause a person a lot of trouble. So the body will allow something it can't process correctly to build up until there is no more room, and only then will it start getting rid of

Suggestion for FBO sufferers to isolate the cause

  DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor or medical professional of any kind, and nothing here is medical advice.  My quick suggestion is to try wearing a pair of Depends (or other brands) incontinence underwear. If there is any noticeable reduction in the smell at all, then you have likely established that actual fecal material in your colon/rectum is the issue. This will dramatically alter the course of treatment you attempt, as opposed to if the smell is coming out through your pores or sweat. Trying enemas to see if clearing out the fecal material gets rid of (or at least improves) the smell is another idea, a user here is doing that. EDIT: I am suggesting trying an enema to try and see if fecal material in the colon is the root cause. I am not suggesting you start using daily enemas to control this, as that has all sorts of potential negative consequences. You have to very carefully approach the idea of doing that.

The key to knowing you really have this condition and that it is not in your head - very important post for everyone to read!

  DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor or medical professional of any kind, and nothing here is medical advice.  UPDATE: I am going to be making a post soon on what a proper hygiene routine looks like. Make sure you check out that post to rule that out as a possible alternative to having TMAU. I think the vast majority of people here really have TMAU or a related condition. However, I am sure there is a certain percentage of people here who believe they have this condition, but it is really all in their head. These people can be CURED and quickly, which is why identifying them has to be a top priority. The key to knowing this condition is real and not in your head is to have a history of comments made about it. You MUST have a history of very clear comments about a bad smell made either in your presence, or better yet, right to your face, in order to conclude you really have this. The comments need to be ongoing as well, to rule out a past odor issue that no longer exits. I think most

Why I do NOT think this condition is metabolic after all

   I just made a post a few days ago [on reddit] about having medical researchers try to get to the bottom of this class of conditions, and I said how the liver is the most likely culprit. I did some more thinking, and I came up with a major new way of thinking about this issue. The case I will make here is that this is actually not a class of metabolic disorders, but rather the body is intentionally creating the smell for the same reasons it creates apocrine sweat and underarm/pubic hair to amplify smells - it smelled good to people 500,000 years ago, but the body has not done away with it yet. If correct, this changes the direction that medical researchers need to go. I want to say at the start that I am NOT a doctor or scientist or medical researcher. What follows are my opinions, and they are meant to be debated and discussed, not just blindly accepted as proven facts. ---------------------------- EVIDENCE AGAINST THIS CONDITION BEING A METABOLIC DISORDER: The true form o

Diet that solved my problem for 20+ years - Do you eat a lot of red meat? If so, this is important info

  DISCLAIMER:  I am not a doctor or medical professional of any kind, and nothing here is medical advice.  INTRODUCTION: This is a copy of the post I made on the Reddit TMAU subreddit about the diet that solved my TMAU problem over 20 years ago. I am concerned that people may not be paying enough attention to the parts about who this is diet is likely and not likely to work for, as people are desperate for solutions. This diet is all about minimizing animal products. The key to seeing if this diet may work for you is whether or not you have an extremely powerful positive response to eating beef.  This is what I have, and in this post I explain why I think this points to the abnormal processing of carnitine being the culprit. Red meat (and beef in particular) has massive amounts of carnitine in it. I experience very powerful euphoric feelings when I eat beef, and this is a key indicator that this diet may be worth trying. The diet will need to be followed for some number of months (